Advice requests
We are committed to people getting the most appropriate and high quality advice. Therefore we cannot give advice or respond to advice requests over social networks or through our blogs. If you do ask us for advice on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, we will try and refer you to the relevant service or source of information within 3 working days on weekdays. We cannot guarantee when we will respond on other social networks as they are not monitored every day. If you do need advice, please head to the 'get advice' page of our website.
Any follows, retweets, favourites, likes, shares, comments or other social media interactions should not be considered an endorsement or agreement with the sentiment by Stevenage Citizens Advice.
Inappropriate behaviour
We encourage open conversation on our social media channels, and would love to hear your views and experiences. However, we ask that you abide by our community guidelines when you do so.
By contributing to one of our online channels you agree:
· to be solely responsible for the content of all information you contribute, link to or otherwise upload
· to use language that is appropriate, respectful and polite
· that use of trademarks or intellectual property belonging to another will not be used unless the owners’ prior permission has been given.
Any posts which contravene these guidelines or which we deem inappropriate may be hidden, deleted or lead to a ban. In most cases we will endeavour to inform the poster why their post or behaviour was inappropriate.
Inappropriate posts and behaviour may include:
· offensive language, profanity, personal attacks, illegal statements, discrimination of any kind
· content attempting to impersonate someone else
· advertisements for products and/or services
· misleading information, deliberately or accidentally.
· contacting people privately or separately from the original discussion and using offensive or aggressive language.
We will not remove posts because they are critical of Stevenage Citizens Advice, unless they also match any of the criteria above. If your post was removed and you wish to question our decision, please get in touch with us.